We Maximize Your Impact

Stories Change Power equips you to be an effective advocate through people-centered, data-informed, research-backed, bridge-building, and organization-wide programming anchored in respect, candor, and growth.

Upcoming courses include:

Storytelling 101: Understand and unlock the power of storytelling in this 4-week course. We’ll dive into the essentials of story structure, how to craft engaging narratives, and common mistakes and misconceptions. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this course will equip you to recognize and craft memorable stories.

  • Wednesdays, September 18 - October 9, 2024
  • 12 pm ET / 9 am PT
  • Four 60-minute online sessions + optional 15-minute additional discussion to follow
  • $185
  • Space limited. Apply today. 

Ethical Storytelling: Trust, Authenticity, and Revocable Consent: No matter your mission, timeline, or budget, some things are non-negotiable - like ensuring dignity and respect at every stage of storytelling. In this 4-week course, we outline the principles of people-centered storytelling from first contact through revocable consent and equip you to operate with transparency, empathy, and integrity.

  • Fridays, October 25 - November 15, 2024
  • 3 pm ET / noon PT
  • Four 60-minute online sessions + optional 15-minute additional discussion to follow
  • $185
  • Space limited. Apply today.

*Fall 2024 Learning Community options: small-by-design groups to develop a foundation in advocacy communication, deepen your knowledge, and broaden your professional community, including through mentorship after cohort completion.

  • Fridays at noon ET / 9 am PT between September 13 - December 13 (confirmed). 
  • Thursdays between September 12 - December 12 at 6 pm ET / 3 pm PT (pending). 
  • $1,500 for organizations / $1,000 for individuals. 
  • Scholarships available. Apply by Friday, August 16

We also provide:

Small-by-design group learning for leaders of mission-driven organizations to learn best practices and from each other to take organization-wide approaches that support effective advocacy;

1:1 coaching for professionals at all levels; and

Customized organizational trainings, including stand-alone webinars an d speaking engagements.

*NOTE: Our learning communities are open to everyone intereted in advocacy communication. The terms "new and emerging" apply to your knowledge of advocacy communication. You needn't be new in your career to benefit from joining a learning community. Past participants range from recent college graduates to professionals in the fourth chapter of their careers. If you are interested in advocating effectively, we encourage you to apply

Select The Support You Need

New & Emerging Professionals

New & Emerging Professionals

Join a Learning Community

If you are seeking to shape laws, policies, and systems, it's because you want to make a difference. You want your work to have meaning …
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1:1 Coaching

In addition to our learning communities, we provide tailored coaching in advocacy communications.  Your work is too important not to be as …
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