In 2025, we will reach a broad array of people who want to make a difference in their neighborhoods, communities, and country.
With you as a supporter, more people can learn our people-centered and trust-building approach. Please visit our donation page today!
It's hard to pinpoint the single most helpful aspect of this program because the experience felt so organic and cumulative. However, having a space to openly and candidly discuss ideas and issues was incredibly valuable and uplifting.
"When it comes to the most helpful aspect of this program, it is hard to pick one aspect since so much of the experience was organic and cumulative. I think just having a place to discuss these ideas and issues in a candid way was incredibly helpful and uplifting."
"Stories Change Power was a valuable addition to our annual physician advocacy training, and helped our members understand the value of storytelling in giving voice to the issues that impact their ability to care for their patients."
"Make the time to join a learning community. The insight you get from getting outside of your day-to-day context and joining a Learning Community is incredibly validating. Everyone in the group had such different jobs from one another but we were all able to discuss and share ideas about the biggest issues we face in advocacy communications."
"Talking and listening to other participants gave me great ideas and helped me see things differently, leading to new and better ways to approach my organization's advocacy communications. The facilitator was amazing at creating a space where everyone felt respected, could work together, and share openly."
"One of the most important things a facilitator can do is get to know her audience and Piper Hendricks really does her homework. She knows her topc and how to deliver it. Piper is both a great listener and speaker."